Game-based learning softwares are great tools to bring engagement and commitment into corporate training. Still skeptical? Read this article to discover the 4 main benefits of using game-based learning software within your training strategy.
The Benefits Of A Game-Based Learning Software For Your Company
While companies are getting more and more equipped regarding online training, major hustles still remain: Boredom and weariness. Learners are actually getting fed up with classical eLearning modules. The main reason being an information overload, and above all, a lack of practice. Consequently, the question is: “How do we do to engage learners in their learning simulations?”. Well, as technology progresses through the years, a new kind of tool appeared recently: Game-based learning software. This might be the solution for your problems.
Keep reading to discover the 4 main benefits game-based learning software has to offer.
1. Practice Anywhere, Anytime.
First and foremost, one of the main benefits of using game-based learning software into your daily work life is its flexibility.
If you already delivered or attended to a traditional training session, even if it might have been good and helpful, it was certainly not flexible. Everyone has to get at the same place, at the same time.
That is when game-based learning software comes into play. Thanks to this training tool, you will be able to create educational games that drive results, and above all that are flexible.
A great point about serious games and training simulations is that everyone can access it, whenever they want, from wherever they want. It is a huge benefit for your company: Employees are now able to organize their schedule in the most efficient way.
Fortunately, new eLearning authoring tools can help you in this regard. For instance, ITyStudio is a serious game authoring tool which enables you to create learning simulations quickly and easily, and is fully adapted to non-game designers.
Below are some 3D ready-made environments that this game-based learning platformhas to offer:

2. Give Your Employees Some Rest.
Classroom training is exhausting events for both trainers and learners. First of all, sometimes people have to travel a lot. Among big companies, it is common that traditional training sessions occur at the headquarters, and thus employees often have to travel the world in order to attend the meeting. But that is only the beginning.
Afterwards, the training session starts: Learners have to be focused and pay attention to what the trainer is saying. On the other hand, the trainer has to put energy in his course, to grab learners’ attention and make sure that they are getting and retaining the information.
To sum up, a lot of fatigue and efforts are included.
Nevertheless, thanks to game-based learning software, your entire team will be able to rest and to be more productive at work.
Concerning trainers and instructional designers, once their serious game development is done, they do not have to worry about the training anymore: the pedagogical content is online, and ready to get consumed.
Meanwhile learners can attend the online training at home or at the office, whenever they want, without having to travel the world. Besides, they will be able to play thelearning simulation again if they did not entirely understand one pedagogical element of the course.
3. A Game-Based Learning Software Is Cost-Effective.
Flexibility and energy are two strong reasons to use a game-based learning software. But they are not the only ones!
Cost-effectiveness is another important point to consider. Think about it. When it comes to classroom training, you have several additional costs to consider, such as:
- Trainer’s costs.
- Travels’ costs.
- The rent of the training room.
- Lunches.
- Hotels.
Not to mention the fatigue generated, for both learners and trainers. Furthermore, the effectiveness, as well as the Return On Investment of the training is not entirely guaranteed: It is sometimes hard to measure the results of the training provided, and to check if learners fully acquired the skills transmitted, and are using it in their everyday work life.
The great thing about game-based learning software is that it will help you solving this problem. Concerning costs, as covered in our first paragraph, the flexibility provided by eLearning games and serious games will spare you and your team a lot of time, as well as a lot of money.
Another important aspect to stress out is assessment: Game-based learning platforms enable you to export your training modules at the SCORM format, thus allowing you to put it on a Learning Management System platform, and analyze your learners’ data. This way, depending on the engagement rate and overall scores of employees, you will be able to know if the skills are getting acquired or not.
But now, you might be wondering: “That sounds awesome, but how do I proceed to engage my audience with the training?”. Well, we are going to cover this question in the next paragraph.
4. Engage Your Audience With Immersive Simulations.
Last but not least: engagement. Or the art of deeply involving learners into the training process. This might be the most challenging part. But also the most rewarding one if you do it well.
The key here is to make your training simulations interactive, by giving to your learners the opportunity to become actors of their modules. For instance, you could allow them to interact with environments, characters, objects, dialogues, etc.
This way, they will feel empowered and be more likely to engage in the training.
On a technical perspective, the great thing about game-based learning software is that it gives you a lot of possibilities, in an easy and intuitive way. For instance, the serious game authoring tool ITyStudio can provide you with an intuitive interface, as well as ready-made libraries of content, that you can leverage to setup engaging simulations in just a few days.
You will find below a quick video showing the main features of this game-based learning software:
You can find more information by visiting the features’ page of ITyStudio.

Ready To Use A Game-Based Learning Software In Your Company? Take Action!
In this article, we covered 4 benefits that game-based learning software could bring into your company.
If you feel concerned and see a potential in these training tools, you should definitelygive ITyStudio a try!
This eLearning authoring tool contains all the features needed to embrace the benefits listed previously.
It is easy to use, it is engaging, and, best of all: You can try it for free!
Ready to go to the next level? Claim your 30-day free trial here!
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